
21 and 22 March, 2025

PUCPR Curitiba – Brazil

Master sponsor
CBAr Award for Best Speach


The Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUCPR will host the XV CURITIBA PRE-MOOT, which will take place at the University campus, on 21 and 22 March, 2025.

The CURITIBA PRE-MOOT is one of the most traditional preparatory events on the path of the teams who will compete in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, which takes place annually in Vienna, Austria and Hong Kong, China.

For the third time, PUCPR will have the honor of hosting this great event, which is the last pre-moot to take place in Brazil before the teams leave for Europe and Asia. It is the perfect opportunity for young students to improve their advocacy skills, as well as to connect with scholars, lawyers and other young law students from other cities and countries.

The XV CURITIBA PRE-MOOT will offer prize money and academic opportunities for the teams: 

Prize money

  • Winner: BRL 10,000.00 (ten thousand Brazilian reais) 
  • Runner-up: BRL 5,000.00 (five thousand Brazilian reais) 

Academic prizes – 4 scholarships per team for our online postgraduate courses* 

  • Winner: 25% discount 
  • Runnerup: 20% discount 
  • Semifinalists: 15% discount 

The XV CURITIBA PRE-MOOT BY PUCPR will offer accommodation for the teams in local hotels in Curitiba – 4 guests per team for two nights (2 double bedrooms). 

Further details and doubts:

[email protected] 

* Applicable rules concerning the scholarships:

• Discounts are valid for the Second instalment onwards (not for the first registration instalment)
• Discounts are valid for a period of 2 years, from the date of the event
• Each winning team shall indicate the students who will receive the scholarship; the entitlement is not transmissible
• Discounts are not applicable if the student fails a discipline and must attend again the classes; neither are the discounts applicable for other fees or taxes in their academic path
• Discounts are applicable exclusively for the postgraduate courses offered by the PUCPR Law School known as ‘Pós-graduação online ao vivo’. More specifically, the discounts are not applicable to the course offered by ‘Pós PUCPR Digital’
• The discounts are applicable only to courses which are confirmed, meaning courses that reach minimum number of students to be launched


PUCPR Curitiba

Building 5 – Red Imaculada Conceição Street, number 1155

Prado Velho, Curitiba – Paraná, Brazil


Details about the event coming soon.
